A Photo Gallery of Tennies for Tots

They say a picture tells a 1,000 stories.  Here is some of what Tennies for Tots does in images.  With some of the volunteers that help us and children or tots that we have put tennies on.  And don't forget the backpacks, books, socks and joy that your support can bring to our mission.  This is a great time to make a difference for children in need and be the reason for lots of happy little feet!!!! 

Thank you for your help!

We have provided shoes and socks to preschool age children in 34 (as of 2022) Head Start Centers throughout Northern and Central Arizona through volunteers and donations from many different sources.

An article about Tennies for Tots in the Prescott Times

Tennies for Tots recently started providing tennies for Head Start in Page, ArizonaAn audio piece and text about that effort can be found here in the White Mountain Independent.